Travel Photography Workshop

Join in for a full-day workshop in the beautiful North-East Victorian town of Chiltern for a travel photography workshop. During the workshop, learn tips and tricks for getting the most out of your photography while travelling. The workshop is interactive and will cover: Discussion on types of travel photography Storytelling through photography Gear including cameras,…

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Mad Max Australian iconic film night at Chiltern’s Star Theatre

Chiltern Lions Club present another classic Australian film night at the Chiltern Star Theatre. Enjoy a barbeque tea, a film showing of Mad Max, a discussion, and scones with jam and cream. They also have Robert Orchard as a guest speaker who was the mechanic who worked on the film making sure the cars were…

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Chiltern Community Markets

The Chiltern Community Market is a fun day out for all the family. They’ve got a variety of local artisan stalls for you to browse, a selection of foods and coffee to tantalize the taste buds and activities to keep the kids entertained. Browse the stalls to discover those treasures while listening to local musicians.…

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Open Mic – Telegraph Hotel

The Telegraph Hotel is hosting an open mic session. There will be a strict limit of three songs per performer, and all genres are welcome. Come early to get your name on the list to ensure a spot.

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Wood working courses

Using locally sourced and recycled timber, Indigo Woodworks crafts original, one-off pieces that are made to order. They also run wood working courses, teaching participants how to make pieces that they can take home with them, using a combination of machinery and traditional hand tools. Courses run around once a month on weekends, and can…

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Chiltern Community Garage Sale

An opportunity to find a bargain, sell your unwanted items, catch up with friends, explore the historic town-take in a delicious coffee and snacks at any of the six cafes and eateries.

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Chiltern Antiques Fair

The annual Chiltern Antique Fair is one of the best shows of its type attracting dealers and enthusiasts from around the country. The event showcases the full range of antiques from fine china and porcelain to furnishings, jewellery, artworks and a range of everyday older items and collectables certain to catch the eye of the…

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